Real Estate Agents
Why recommend us to your clients?
Let's face it ... you recommend us to protect your client's interests but you need to be able to trust our professionalism with their home inspection. It's clear that our duty and obligation is with the client. Yet, you know your
success is driven in part by your personal team of trusted professionals you rely on. We want to earn a place on your team!
Every Sale is Precious
That's why you can trust us not to create unnecessary anxiety or panic with your clients. We must call it as it is but we must also provide a realistic perspective and outlook. We recognize the importance your clients place on
their home inspection. It is often the final critical step in your client’s decision to purchase.
In the Short and Long Run ...
Clients will thank you for recommending us, remain loyal, and refer more business your way. We help build on those strong relationships with satisfied clients ... "Isn't that a good thing?"
Point of Difference
Wouldn't you prefer to have a business professional with a great ability to present and guide your clients through their home inspection? We are progressive in our approach and offer the latest in inspection technology. Guess what
... clients will remain loyal to you with trusted results and confidence. Also, chances are ... they will remain committed to you as their agent!
Times Continue to Change
These days you need to be more than just knowledgeable in home construction. Client management skills are so critical to our business and some of the hardest to learn. This will always be true even while many things continue to
change around us. Our people skills are the corner stone of our success.
It's Time to Meet ... So Call Us
We would be pleased to meet with you and/or your staff. A "Sales Meeting" or a "Lunch and Learn" is a great way to make good impressions. We can help introduce and educate you about ...