Home Inspections
Our Client Duty and Obligation
Our home inspection will be to observe and report a comprehensive, top to bottom fair and impartial assessment of all components of the property according to our industry's "Standards of Practice" and "Code of Ethics"
"Click on Infrared Imaging ... for additional inspection benefits"
Pre-Listing Inspections Help To:
- Identify potential barriers to the sale
- Identify needed repairs or changes to ensure the home's marketing appeal
- Demonstrate proactive responsibility to agents and buyers
This can really make the difference to selling your house sooner rather than later. Dealing with things up front will help prevent the buyer's inspector from triggering unnecessary final negotiation.
Pre-Purchase Inspections
(Resale or New Construction / Pre Delivery Inspections)
- Peace-of-mind in making your final decision to purchase
- Reliable knowledge about your new home
- An objective technical review of your new home
It can be the turning point of your decision to purchase and your good judgment tells you to have the home inspected. It's our job to visually identify and report any major defects as well as minor cosmetic and maintenance issues.
Condominium Inspections
Although there's no basement or exterior walls to inspect, you still have interior electrical, plumbing, heating, cooling, ventilation, balconies and the interior structure for us to inspect. Let's hope there is no unnoticed
water damage from the condo above. We can help ease your concerns.
Townhome Inspections
Unlike a condominium, there is no one above or below you. Whether it is Freehold or corporation managed, it's a good idea to have at least the inside inspected. We still recommend to have the exterior inspected just in
case the corporation has been negligent in their routine maintenance. Also, just like a condominium, there's plenty of things inside to check on.
Multi-Unit Dwellings
There is no one on either side but a number of apartments above each other. It's a bit more complex. If you want your loyal tenants to be happy, it can depend on how well the building has been maintained. Each living space
can affect the other. Tenants seem to know their rights and won't hesitate to complain to you ... the landlord. Be wise and have us inspect it before you buy it.
What does it cost?
A typical home inspection costs $375 pretax for a home up to 2500 square feet. Add another $100 for every additional 1000 square feet. Call us with your specific needs.